
Miraculous Moments

On August 4th at my last doctors appointment I experienced something that I find hard to describe with mere words. Using a small machine called a Doppler (I think) I was blessed to hear our baby's little, rapid, and healthy heartbeat! Tears instantly came to my eyes and I was overcome with joy! Truly miraculous! Christopher unfortunately was not able to be there and so wished he could have been. I passed on the experience as best I could with words but I don't think I did it justice. Each one of these little amazing moments I experience tugs so hard on my heartstrings and leaves me breathless and speechless. I feel so blessed to be experiencing this miracle of life inside me. Haha every time I throw up or don't feel great or have a pain in my lower abdomen Chris says "I'm sorry"! And I say "It's not your fault". He just flashes his brilliant smiles and says "well yeah! It really is"! Haha he has been so amazing through this process and he is so excited to meet our little ? when he/she comes. We are still having the debate on whether or not we will find out the sex of the baby but I think I am slowly pulling him over to the side of finding out the sex so we can be prepared and just plain excited for the little lady/gentleman. Our next appointment is Sept. 2nd. More updates and miraculous moments to come I'm sure! :)


1 comment:

  1. I love reading how excited you are about the whole experience. Your right...it really is so miraculous!!! I hope y'all find out the sex because we will all by dying to find out:) My guess is that the baby will be a girl????? We shall see:)
